October 17, 2016

Men's Walking Group

Escaped the rain  --  Again!  A good stroll down behind the Legion, said hello to the horses, along the Bamberton Haul Rd, a look at the old mountain bike platforms, a stop at the Weir, up the E&N tracks, coffee, and back to the Legion. -- DeNNis

Next week plan is the Wilkinson Road route with 4 crossings of the Shawnigan Creek which is now in full flow. -- Brook

The Google-Earth map is the least cluttered.  Follow counter-clockwise from the Legion --  DeNNis.

Off, into the woods behind the Legion.

The horses are always glad to see us.

The weatherforecast is anybodys guess.

John says we have to pick up the pace.

The "Busy Bee" is still busy.

These old mountain bike platforms have not seen any use
for years.

This fungi log could use a haircut.

Don't get lost in the maze of tangled branches.

Lots of fungi.

A fishy address.

The Weir.  Saw a couple salmon(?)/trout(?) on the up-
stream side of the weir.

Reflections --

-- at the park.

 LOL                                                       Heading up the E&N tracks

Site of the old Shawnigan Community Hall.


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