October 29, 2018

Men's Walking Group

Weather not great - but we are ever hopeful.  We need the rain!  Nine of us ventured out to do 9 to 10 Km in spite of the weather.  Good day for a Wilkinson Rd jaunt including the fish ladder stairway.  --  DeNNis.

Parked by the Tennis courts above Kerry Park Arena. A big clockwise loop across Shawnigan creek to Wilkinson Rd and down Cobble Hill Rd and Horton Rd to the highway.  Under the bridge on the highway and down the 97 steps to where they haul fish up from Shawnigan Creek  On to Tim Hortons for coffee and back to the vehicles.. 

The bridge across Shawnigan Creek ato Wilkinson Rd.

Some of us dressed for the weather.

Was Ecole Mill Bay - Now Mill Bay Nature School.

Halloween is almost here.

Bonner Elementary School.

An excellent crop of apples on this tree.

Needs some TLC.

We know how to pick our walking days.

Down under the highway bridge.

97 steps down and 97 back up.

Where the fish are caught for transfer to Shawnigan Creek, etc.

The Brentwood Grounds look nice even on a rainy day.


The old Stone Bridge.

Sylvan Church and Kelsey School.

Some shots of Shawnigan Creek below Kerry Park Rec Center.

October 22, 2018

Men's Walking Group

Another great day for a walk - cool but clear and sunny.  Ten of us started at the Legion, across the road through Cairn Park and along various pathways to Old Mill Park.  Then down the E&N tracks and back to the Shawnigan Coffee House where we recharged for the short walk back to the Legion - about 8 Km distance.  -- DeNNis.

Follow the blue trace clockwise from the Legion (top left).

Quite the collector - there is more behind the fence.

Onto the Bob-O-Link trail.

Leaves don't lie - Fall is definitely in the air.

I guess you could call this a Shawnigan Tent City.

The Shawnigan Shaman on Recreation Rd - still in good condition.

Found a few deer in a back yard but they don't pay any
attention to us.

The entrance to Old Mill Park.

Shawnigan Recreation Association trailer park off Recreation Rd.

Strolling through Old Mill Park.

Extra large mushrooms (toadstools)?

The beach at Old Mill Park  -

- makes for a good panoramic shot.

A convoy of Canada Geese.

Bird house or decoration?

Down the E&N tracks.

The Shawnigan Museum.

Time for a coffee before we head back to the cars.

October 15, 2018

Men's Walking Group

Twelve of us went "beach bushwhacking" today from Manley Park down to Satellite Park.  The sky was clear and the sun was bright.  Lots of photos and map below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked the cars at the end of Ratcliffe Rd below Arbutus Ridge (bottom right).  Down through Manley Park to the beach, over and under fallen trees, etc. most of the way down to the stairway up onto Satellite Park Rd.  A little sightseeing along Aros Rd and then along the Grandfield pathway back to Manley Park and the cars.  Finished up with a delicious lunch at Arbutus Ridge Bar & Grill which we thoroughly enjoyed after about 5 Km of walking.


Down to the beach at Manley Park.

Lots of lovely sunshine.

The "Tank Farm" dock.

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 Three ships waiting for berths.

Through the debris.

Some of it quite atrractive.

Over top this one.

Some natural artwork along the way.

Under this one if you look closely.

Over another one.

Some great scenery.

Stairway to a
private residence.

Not much space between the water and our path.

Up the stairway to Satellite Park road.

Some unique mushrooms or

A close up.

Lots of noise from the geese overhead.

These folks raise alpacas and dogs.

Boatswain Community Park.

CVRD replacing wooden stairways with concrete.

Weir is full because drain is closed.

A wonderful lunch to top off the day.