May 31, 2019

Tai Chi

Tai Chi

The Tai Chi group going through the many movements.

Wood Carving

The wood carvers are still at it.
Here are some pictures.

Lots of talking - a bit of carving.

Easy - just take away anything that is NOT a boot!

Dennis has been busy.

Be careful - don't break the ring.

May 29, 2019





A thinking persons' game.


May 27, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Eleven of us took advantage of the beautiful weather to walk through Sentinal Ridge since we hadn't been up there for a long time.  We covered about 9 Km.  Lots of nice houses for sale in the newer area if you have lots of cash.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked the cars on Deloume Rd above Tim Hortons (top left) and did a large counter-clockwise loop from there, down through the Mill Bay Center, up through Sentinal Ridge and back along Mill Bay Road.  Finished off with coffee at Tim Hortons.

Down through Mill Bay Center.

Butter cups blooming at the bottom of Partridge Rd hill.

Phlox(?) making a good showing along Partridge Rd.

We take the path from Partridge Rd over to Seaview Rd.

Seen in passing --  cute.

Beautiful view over the rooftops along Seaview Rd.

The old Telus booth at the
motel off Bay Rd.

Looking  up at the Frayne Rd intersection from the top of
Partridge Rd.

Had to go through the ditch to get onto and across Partridge Rd
because of water testing at the intersection of Partridge and Frayne.

Down the hill on Noowick Rd towards Mill Bay Rd.

A new moon in a clear blue sky.

At least the broom adds some colour to the roadside.

Into Sentinal Ridge for some views of the ocean.

 California poppies certainly brighten up the yards.

 Beautiful views of the water.

Lots of large homes and mortgages to match(?)

A unique sculpture - looks like the body is made up of the
small size horse shoes.

Deiter found his favorite type library along Mill Bay Rd.

And we found a beautiful patch of Poppies.

A unique house number post.

May 24, 2019

Quilting Group

The Quilters getting into the swing of things at our last meeting showing what has kept them busy lately. I am not a quilter but I think they did some darn good work!
Here is a picture.

Photography Group

I checked the Blog and realized, although I have used my camera a lot, I have not been posting to this site.
I shall try to make amends. Here are some photos taken recently in the Courtney/Comox area.

Busy Hands

Busy Hands

Here are two pictures to show that the group called Busy Hands is real and they really are busy.

Four pairs of Busy Hands

Some of the output from the Busy Hands.

May 20, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Seven of us walked a bit over 8 Km today on the Friendship Trail in Duncan,  beginning near Walmart and finishing off with a tasty lunch at the CVI Pub in the Best Western Motel nearby.  Bob Bennett dropped in to join us for lunch.  A dribble of rain to start but clearing up part way through.  A very enjoyable outing.  -- DeNNis.

Started and finished as shown near the top right corner of the map.  Parked the cars in the Walmart parking lot and did a counter-clockwise loop as shown by the yellow trace.  Then drove over to the CVI Pub for lunch.

Lots of wild daisies along the way.


Photo fuzzy but colourful.

Unique gate ends.  Looks like the gates roll right through.

Cute figures.

May be a good place for veggies.

Seen on a corner fence post of a --. 

-- property across from the cemetary at the
intersection of Drinkwater and Somenos.

Columbines (we think).

We leave the streets and head down the Friendship trail (part
of the Cowichan Valley Trail).

Buttercups of some sort.

Nootka roses.

Excellent carving of an eagle on this deck.

We will just show the fence.

Growing with  the grass and stuff (shown larger below).

Someone made very good use of their spare time.

The bridge across Bings Creek where these two trails meet.
We turned left and followed Sherman Road down to the
highway where we got back onto the Friendship Trail.

Which way?

Back onto the Friendship Trail at the end of  Sherman Rd.

Where a quail decided to avoid us.

More wildflowers.

Averill Creek bridge.
How someone got down to do the graffiti
we cannot imagine.

Lunch at the CVI Pub.  (I accidentally put my camera into infra-red night shooting mode).