August 27, 2012

Men's Walking Group

Aug. 27 walk from Legion to Recreation Rd-Old Mill Park-E&N - about 5-6Km - 6 guys.
Are they really going to burn this work of art??


Tree stump put to good use - Recreation Rd. (I think)

Horizontal trees beget vertical trees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

August 21, 2012

Womens Walking Group

Eight walkers did 4 K on the TC Trail, a short walk but
we were looking forward to coffee and goodies at Vera's.
We did stop to rescue a caterpillar from being run over
by cars. Next monday the 27th we will walk at Hemer
Park and then go on to the Crow and Gate for our lunch.
Meet at the Legion at 9:30 am.      V.M.

Womens Walking Group

At Shawnigan Lake

The Fuzzy Caterpillar

The Old Lamplighter

Coffee and Goodies at Vera's

The coffee was great at Cairnsville !
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August 20, 2012

Men's Walking Group

Aug 20th - Nine of us walked about 7 Km. today.  Perfect weather.

The New Mill Bay Marina.

Some very nice boats.

Brentwood College from the Marina.

Overlooking Sentinal Ridge from undeveloped lotss above.

August 14, 2012

Womens Walking Group

The corn is taller than the walkers

Many large fields of corn

A powered paraglider

The pilot is now higher and almost over us.
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Womens Walking Group

Eight walkers did the Cowichan Bay dike and estuary
starting from Maple Grove Park.There are many large
cornfields in this area.Some of the cattle corn is eight
feet in height.We watched a powered paraglider that
approached us from the Duncan area,over the estuary,
and towards Mt. Tzouhalem.The pilot wears a para-
motor on his back.They fly between 25 and 70 km/h.
Most flying is done under 500ft but they can go much
higher.Paragliders are very dangerous in winds or any
turbulence.It takes a 10ft run for the inflated wing to
lift the motor and pilot.For next monday Vera has
invited us to walk the trails near her home,then return
to the lake cottage for a coffee.If you wish you are
welcome to go for a swim, so bring your bikini.
Meet at the Legion at 9:30 am.   V.M.

August 13, 2012

Men's Walking Group

Gunny sacks placed around base of young trees - for moisture retention?

Which tree shall I choose for this Christmas?

Pebble re-positioning.

DO NOT ENTER !!!!!!!!!!!
Photos from our walk Aug.13th.
Christmas tree farm near watershed area off Sooke Lake Rd.

August 6, 2012

Womens Walking Group

A park pond almost full of vegetation

The Pea Vine seems to be everywhere

More Indian Pipe
Not much more than two feet tall, but doing a great job.
Looking at the wood fungus
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Womens Walking Group

A nice local walk on a good trail

Eight walkers did 5K.A pleasant walk as most of the trails were in the shade.
Welcome back Claudia. Thanks to Marianne and Joyce for driving.Next monday
the 13th. we meet at the Legion at 9:30am. each of us having a suggestion for our
walk.   V.M.
p.s. Our after walk coffee was delayed by 15 minutes for some of the ladies
while another pot was brewed. It seems a group of men walkers had just left
and almost emptied the pot !

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Men's Walking Group

Guard Llama for Alpacas
These are photos of our Aug. 6th walk from the Legion through to "Fern Hollow".
Want to have some biking fun?

Weird looking fungi.

One more river (stream) to cross.

One more hill to climb.

Roasting wienies on a cold fire.

Hence my name  Fern Hollow.
Spider on thistle  - July 31st walk.

Same spider.