March 25, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Not bright and sunny but no rain in sight.  An okay day for a walk around the Quarry where we met quite a few dogs and their people..  Nine of us covered about 6 Km today.  Map and photos below.  --  Dennis

Parked the cars near the entrance to Burnham Park (bottom right) and did a counterclockwise loop around the Quarry.


Just a few patches of snow where the sun couldn't reach.

Someone having fun with rocks.

The Quarry from the north east end.

A few large puddles in places along the path.

The old stone oven is still intact.

Looking along the northwest side.

Don't get too close to the edge.

Dogs enjoying the area with their owners.

A little steep in places.

Stick chasing time.

Lots of nice views.

The geese also enjoying the water.

Surveying their domain.

This tree is growing at a very odd angle.

Message noted.

Looking back from the southwest end of the Quarry

Artistry on the rocks.

Coffee time at the "Olde School Cafe".

March 18, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Excellent weather today.  Nine of us covered about 8 to 9 Km around the Ladysmith and Transfer Beach area.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked the cars near the Fox & Hound Pub on High St. (center).  Follow the trace in a clockwise direction from there all the way around  and back to the Pub.

Dating from the early 1930's, this caterpillar tractor was used
in Crown Zellerbach's Ladysmith operation in the 30's and 40's.

Adapted from a Fordson Farm Tractor, this small donkey engine
was used in rail logging to build and repair bridges.  The Donkey's
size lent itself to being hauled on and off rail cars at work sites.

Log collection area.

Trespassing sea gull.

Some ups and downs along the trail.

Along a no longer used rail bed --

Past an old "boom boat", stone bench and gearbox --

and another trail up to the "Historic Townsite"  --

-- and down onto the Ladysmith Marina.  Such a lovely day and
look at all those masts.  Nobody out boating today??

Ocean cargo freighter lifeboat.

A couple Heritage vessels in a floating boathouse.

A "Chinese Junk' ??  --  or just junk!!

Buoy out of water.

Still a little ice on puddles.

Awaiting berths somewhere.

Entering Transfer Beach Park.

A good weather indicator.

And the kids playground was very busy.

Kayakers, too.

Looking down on Transfer Beach.

Seen at the base of a large tree.

Under the highway to get back up to the Pub.


March 11, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Nine of us took advantage of the slightly warmer weather to explore Mill Bay Nature Park.  We covered about 9 Km including our foray down to Whiskey Point.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked in the lot at Mill Bay Park (top left).  Walked directly down to Whiskey Point where we spent some time enjoying the scenery,, then back to Mill Bay Nature Park to explore until it was time to head for Tim Horton's and our coffee.

Back up the fairly steep hill which we just drove down to get
to Mill Bay Park.

A nicely finished driveway
marker on Whiskey Pt Rd.

A well stacked bunch of firewood which he probably won't be
using in the near future - makes a nice driveway border, though.

Looking back up Whiskey Point Road..

The path down to Whiskey Point Beach from the end of the road.

Looking up the beach towards Mill Bay Nature Park.


Brentwood College from Whiskey Point.

Back up the steep stairway.

This odd shaped Arbutus frames this driveway nicely.

Back down the steep hill towards Mill Bay Nature Park.

Quite a few little bridges and pathways through Mill Bay Park.

Looking over to Mill Bay Marina from the park.

A couple Mallard ducks enjoying the water.

That is Bill silhouetted in the background.  

Notice the huge burl on this old tree.

Houses and decorations - left by fairies(??)

Lots of trees down over the creek.

A couple of my other walking buddies happened to be in the
park at the same time as the Men's Walking Group.

Surveying the park.

Moss on top of a couple projections on this old stump make
for an odd design.

More fairy art?

Back at the parking lot - next stop, Tim's.