October 19, 2009

YSAGS Computer Group

To all YSAGS members,

The Computers Group meets tomorrow , October 20 at 10 am.

We will be discussing 2 specific topics.  First, "How do I uninstall Windows Live Messenger?" and secondly, "What starts up in my computer when I START?

We of course will also try to come up with good answers to any questions you might have.


September 3, 2009


First and foremost.  Thank you all for my lovely cards and good wishes on my surgery recovery.  A great morale booster.I am doing really well.Crafts are still busy,at the moment we are donating afghans,socks,etc.eo Duncan homeless for when thier building is ready.In august 11 small afghans were delivered to Duncan rcmp victims services.Deliveries to Juan de fuca and compassionate warehouse start soon My sincere thanks for such support.


Home Page

Hello all YSAGS Members,

Here we are into September and our activities in YSAG are starting up in full gear.  In the next few days this site will be updated and activities for the Fall will be posted.

Check here often.

Ed Wiebe

February 24, 2009

Our Leaders hard at work!

Here you see our Treasurer, Secretary, President and Vice President conducting the General February meeting.

You are doing a great job keeping tabs on our Finances, recording Minutes and telling jokes and Chairing the meetings and giving us leadership.  Thanks All!