January 30, 2017

Men's Walking Group

Nine of us walked 9Km around the Gorge and Portage Park followed by lunch at the 4 Mile Pub.   Next week will be an interesting stroll on Butler Road West Shawnigan Lake. --  Brook

Great walk around the Gorge Waterway today.  Brook has obviously found the good weather touch.  Below is my map and a few of the many photos that I took.  --  DeNNis.

Parked in the Canadian Tire parking lot (in blue print -- a couple inches right of the top left corner).  Did a clockwise loop around the Gorge Waterway.  Then down Esquimalt Rd a ways to a new trail which took us up through Portage Park to (of all places) the Four Mile Pub.  After we quenched our thirst and hunger pangs, it was back down the Old Island Highway to our vehicles.
Only a couple of Herring fishermen out today.

Herring pictures --  Craigflower Bridge.

Dragonboat paddlers out doing there thing.

Looking east from Craigflower Bridge.

Spring has sprung  --  Snowdrops up in Victoria.

Twisting, turning Arbutus branches.

Looking northwest from near Gorge Bridge.

Gorge bridge reflection.

Part of the Japanese Garden in the park off Tillicum Rd.


They obviously got their kicks on ROUTE 66.

Where are we now?

Rockwork wall alongside the Old Island Highway.

Topping up for the 2(?) Km trek back to our vehicles.

Women's Walking Group

Photos and comments courtesy Doreen Parker.

Lovely sunny day for the Ladies morning walk.  Then off to Tim Hortons' for coffee and sweets.

Kerry Park Sign.

Ladies posing at the entrance sign to Kerry Park

Lenora playing "Queen of the Hill."

It was enjoyable to see and hear the roar of so much rushing water.

Someone's escaped soccer ball, had to use zoom to get this
picture as it was pretty far from us.

January 23, 2017

Women's Walking Group

Photos and comments courtesy Doreen Parker.

What a wonderful sunny day for an enjoyable 5K walk around Wilkinson Road area.

We leave the Legion at 9:30 every Monday morning.  This is not a hike but an enjoyable leisure walk for the ladies.  Members are welcome to join us whenever they can.  Hope to see you each and every Monday.

Lots of rushing waters.
Sandy, Helen and Lenora pose at the gate cut into the hedge.

Lenora and Doreen stop for a photo and enjoyed the sight and
sounds of the rushing waters.

Men's Walking Group

We had an enjoyable walk around the Quarry (aka Kingzett Lake) today.  (Thanks, Brook, for the map.)  It was still around the freezing mark but thankfully no precipitation.  Above is the map of our walk and below are some photos.  We parked near the entrance to Burnham Park and did a clockwise loop around the lower level of the Quarry. --- DeNNis

Some slippery spots for the 11 of us to trek the 5 Km around the Quarry.  Coffee followed to warm up at the Old School Coffee in Cobble Hill.  Next week will be a road trip to walk around the Gorge Waterway. --- Brook

The usual bunch of geese and ducks following us around the
edges of the Quarry looking for handouts.

The "one-winged goose" that has been a resident for some
years is in the middle with his back to us.

Good thing the slippery stuff has melted along the edges here.

It's amazing how some Arbutus branches grow with
unique twists and turns.

The same branch from a different angle.

Watch your step --  slippery slope!!


This gal ("Lily" according to her ID tag) adopted us at the
start of our walk.

Can you interpret the artwork?

Neither could we.

Panorama shot from one end of the Quarry.

Lily really likes long sticks.

"Waste not, want not".  If it got broken she picked it all up
and carried on with the pieces.

Still slippery in places but most could be avoided.

January 16, 2017

Men's Walking Group

It was the warmest day this year for the 10 of us to walk & slide the 8 Km around Mill Bay and Wilkinson Road followed by hot beverages at Tim Hortons.  Next weeks walk location to be determined weather dependent.  --  Brook


Weather is a little warmer which makes the walk a little more pleasant.  Still a bit slippery in some areas but much better over all.  Good company, good walk.  --  DeNNis.  

Follow the arrows clockwise beginning and ending at Tim Hortons'.  (Bottom left.)

Must be something tasty in the back of McDonalds.

Behind McDonalds.

Lots of slipperys where the sun didn't reach.

The Stone Bridge.  Lots of water flowing.

Our guide.

Interesting how the ice forms on some of the twigs.

Had to stop and check out Shawnigan Creek.

Lots of water - still some patches of snow.

Obviously going the right way here.

A little slippery for Tennis yet.

The metal bridge just before Wilkinson Road.

More weird ice formations on this log.

Spotted along Wilkinson Rd (15x zoom).

Natures work in the ditches alongside the highway.

Back where we started --  COFFEE TIME!