October 31, 2016

Men's Walking Group

A good walk today through Manley Park and back around Aros and Telegraph Rd.  A little damp, but we need a little rain now and then.  Not great for picture taking though.  Here is what I have to offer.  --  DeNNis


It was good exercise for the 14 of us to trek around Arbutus Ridge followed by coffee at Shawnigan House.  Next week will be a road trip to Victoria to walk from the Breakwater along Dallas Road over to China town.  With lunch plan to be at the Fan Tan Cafe.  --  Brook

Follow the blue trace counter-clockwise from where we parked the cars at the Manley Park entrance.

The umbrellas add a little colour to the photo.

The creek is running well.

You would think someone added a box of detergent to the water.


Definitely an autumn scene - lots of leaves coming down.


Visibility not very good.

Doesn't slow the geese down, though.


A dry seat protected from the rain.


But not enough room for the whole crew to sit.

A fuzzy deer -- almost escaped the camera but caught him on the run.

And lots of Canada Geese -- probably interested in the marshmallows.

Business as usual at the Tank Farm.

October 30, 2016

Women's Walking Group

On Monday, Oct. 24, five ladies did a 5.6 Km walk in the Wilkinson Rd. area. 

Our next walk will be on Monday 31st around Chapman and Lovers Lane area.  See you all there.

Lovely weather and beautiful Fall colours.


We stopped to see the great carvings in someone's yard.


Lynn offered the horses some green grass from the other side of
the fence "where the grass is always greener."

October 24, 2016

Men's Walking Group

A nice walk on Wilkinson Rd, around to where the fish are caught for relocation, then across the old Stone Bridge (via Tim Hortons) and back to the cars by the Tennis courts above Kelsey school.  Good weather and good company. -- DeNNis.

Did a counter-clockwise loop from where we parked by the Tennis courts.  The straight blue line with white x's can be ignored.

On Wilkinson Rd.  Christmas is a'coming, the geese are
getting fat. 

Lots of water in the creeks - from the Wilkinson Rd bridge.

Another Big Foot Maple leaf.

No leaves left, but a few apples if you get there quick.

Hallowe'en is in the air.

The new housing development off of Horton Rd.

Starting down the 99 (or so) stairs to the fish ladder (where the
fish are caught for relocation further up Shawnigan Creek, etc)

About half way down.

Near the bottom.

This fellow is netting the fish
and putting them in a tank
from where they will be hauled
up above to be transported.

Time to stop for coffee.

Lots of water under the old Stone Bridge.

Almost finished our walk - we will take the
high-road here.

Fall foliage.


October 20, 2016

Women's Walking Group

Monday, October 17, 2016.

The ladies walked about 4 Km in the Kerry Park area.  Photos and comments courtesy Doreen Parker.

Fungi growing on an old tree by the water.

Beautiful autumn colours.

Lenora taking a break with lovely background of the water.

Hiding behind old three prong tree.

Rabbit that weathered the storm.

Beautiful waterfall and foliage.

Lenora and Helen.
Rushing to get out of the rain just as our walk ended.

October 17, 2016

Men's Walking Group

Escaped the rain  --  Again!  A good stroll down behind the Legion, said hello to the horses, along the Bamberton Haul Rd, a look at the old mountain bike platforms, a stop at the Weir, up the E&N tracks, coffee, and back to the Legion. -- DeNNis

Next week plan is the Wilkinson Road route with 4 crossings of the Shawnigan Creek which is now in full flow. -- Brook

The Google-Earth map is the least cluttered.  Follow counter-clockwise from the Legion --  DeNNis.

Off, into the woods behind the Legion.

The horses are always glad to see us.

The weatherforecast is anybodys guess.

John says we have to pick up the pace.

The "Busy Bee" is still busy.

These old mountain bike platforms have not seen any use
for years.

This fungi log could use a haircut.

Don't get lost in the maze of tangled branches.

Lots of fungi.

A fishy address.

The Weir.  Saw a couple salmon(?)/trout(?) on the up-
stream side of the weir.

Reflections --

-- at the park.

 LOL                                                       Heading up the E&N tracks

Site of the old Shawnigan Community Hall.