October 6, 2014

Men's Walking Group

YES - We did walk to the Quarry today!!  Here are the photos to show the proof.

Excellent weather and great company.  -  DeNNis.

Parked near entrance to Burnham Park ("Cars" at right). Follow trace counter-clockwise from there. The trail up above the Gravel Pit is about 60 meters higher than the elevation at the Quarry, so we did a bit of climbing as well as walking.  I am sure I got the proper location for the Oven this time as well.

Lots of Canada Geese on the Quarry today.

Panoramic view from what I call the viewing area.

Mushroom time again - Ed says these are edible.

An even dozen of us today.

Very interesting cloud - and the colors.

This guy was all alone -

-- Notice his left wing is missing.  Apparently he is here year-round, since he can't fly, and some area residents feed him.  Fortunately no predators have got him - yet!

Had to hang back over the cliff edge to take this shot --

and then take a "Selfie" to get us all in.
The East end of the Quarry.

Of course we can't leave without a picture of the old Stone Oven.

This is what the inside looks like - taken through a hole in the rear of the chimeny.

The "Big Foot Maples" aren't quite as large this year - must have been the long, hot summer.


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