August 7, 2017

Men's Walking Group

Great day for an easy hike on the Bamberton Haul Rd past Rat Lake and back along the power line trail which runs parallel.  A little smoke haze, but not bad, just enough to lower the temperature a degree or two.  --  DeNNis.

Parked the cars at the end of Fern Ridge Place (top center), up the slope, past the Fern Ridge water tower, over to Bamberton Haul Rd, just past the Rat Lake trail, (the swampy area on the right of Handysen Creek is Rat Lake) then over to the power line.

Slight smoke haze.

Most of the thistles have gone to seed.

But not all of them.

The odd dead tree.

Daisies are still thriving.

We leave the power line trail here and swing right.

What are all these plastic mesh tubes?
No clue here.

Aha! Reforestation.
I had to try (what is left of) the boardwalk - not in great shape.

Bobs' photo of me from the trail beside the bridge.

The trail bypasses the bridge.

Future power poles.

This one is tall enough
but won't qualify.

Fern Ridge water tower.

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