November 28, 2010

Computer/Photography Group

Hello Computer people,

For this meeting, I checked into Keyboard shortcuts for when you don't want to use the mouse. Some shortcuts are specific for Gmail and the others are for Microsoft programs such as WORD, etc. A lot of these key shortcuts are fairly standard and so it is worth trying them in other programs too.

Why do more people use Internet Explorer or Gmail, Yahoo and others rather than SHAW Webmail? Bring your thoughts about that to the meeting and we can give reasons to our 2 new members of the group.

I have never used Microsoft Works, which is free with XP, Vista or Windows 7. Checking it out this weekend, I find it has changed (improved) a lot since the early days of Windows 98, etc. I made a quick December, 2010 one month calendar. It has a background picture of our yard with snow. It is easy to get any picture you want in there.

I will show the attachments that were included in the earlier email I sent out.
See you all on Tuesday!

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