January 21, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Looks like great weather for a stroll along the waterfront at Duke/Jack Point.  Eleven of us did the Duke/Jack Point walk - about 7 Km.  Then we retired to the Crow & Gate Pub for a delicious lunch where we were joined by Denis Lainchbury and Bill Cairns.  A good time was had by all.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Started at the parking lot (bottom right).  At the Jack Point light end we did a counter-clockwise loop and headed back to the cars.

Dan got his exercise
before we even got
going.  Had to run 
back to his truck, then
catch up to the rest of 
Up the first set of stairs.

The faux petroglyph.

Lots of "cranky" trees on the trail.

Also lots of unique sights and rock formations.

The ducks quacking about the weird-o walkers.

Second set of stairs - not too tough to take.

Looking across to downtown Nanaimo.

The area had its share of wind damage.

Third and longest stairway -- 63 steps.

And still a bit of climbing.

BC Ferries Duke Point employee parking.

Unique walk way - tree rounds set on end into the ground
to keep us out of the mud.

Seaspan Ferry alongside Gabriola Island.

BC Ferry rounding the north end of Gabriola Island.

Jack Point Light and BC Ferry to the right.

Cormorant primping on Jack
Point Light.

Jack Point Light with Seaspan Ferry rounding Gabriola.

More rock formations.

63 steps back down.

Caught this guy in passing - doing what he Otter, I guess.

Last we saw of him.

Someone has been clearing the trail.

Thought this looked kind of scenic.

More "cranky" trees.

This old carving needs some TLC.

Through the tunnel, back to the cars.

A newer stone carving at the parking lot.

"Barley" sandwiches to start our lunch at the Crow & Gate.

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