September 10, 2018

Men's Walking Group

Change of Plans.  Apparent rock slide on the Malahat so the 9 of us decided to do a walk on the newer portion of the Trans-Canada Trail off Stebbings Rd.  Didn't encounter any rain until a few drops as we finished our walk.  Finished with coffee at Shawnigan Coffee House.  --  DeNNis.

North is towards top left corner of map.  Parked the cars off Stebbings Rd (right).  Walked about 4 Km north on the trail and then turned around and retraced our steps back to the vehicles.  Some fairly steep grades along this section of the trail.

Another map showing the area we were in.

Trailhead parking lot off Stebbings Rd.

A very steep start to the walk.

Lots of tall thin trees along the trail.

First bridge - very sturdily built.

This totem met us at the entrance to the bridge.

Shawnigan Creek water level is very low.

A second bridge - somewhat smaller.

Someone has been using some artistic license with the rocks.

And a third bridge - smaller still.
Time to turn around and head back to the cars.

Lots of growth sprouting from this old stump.

A very tall leaning tree.

A couple of these signs
along the way.


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