March 29, 2017

Women's Walking Group

Women's Walking Group  --  Monday, March 27, 2017.

Photos and comments courtesy Doreen Parker.

We had a nice leisure walk to Frayne road where we stopped in for fish and chips and the senior price was only $8.00 so thought that was a good price for a nice lunch.

Hoping to see more ladies out walking now that Spring is here and lots of beautiful flowers to see and the weather was good and the walking easy.

Paris in BC .... ha ha.

Not a shy little robin, didn't mind us taking his up-close pic. 

There were a pair of ducks at Mill Park but they hid on us.

Here is a busy little fellow.

His paw tracks???

Lovely owl carving.

Weird form, the end of the tree top bent over,
looks almost like a nest.

Yellow water flowers in the pond. (Mill Park)

March 27, 2017

Men's Walking Group


That was a tough 8Km hill climb for the 9 of us today.  Next week walk will be on flat land. ----  Brook

Escaped the forecasted showers for our walk to Cable Bay today.  An enjoyable and interesting jaunt as can be seen in the photos.    --  Followed by a great lunch at the Crow & Gate Pub.  ----  DeNNis.

Very simple map.   Follow the trail from left to right and return the same route.

Some new boardwalks added.

A very unique rock with some additions.

The "peek-a-boo" tree.

Some unique rock formations.

One or two prehistoric creatures
A couple of wise old owls keeping watch.

A not so portable "port-a-pottie".

Some natural artwork.

Dodds Narrows Light.

What is going on here?

Attaching warning balls on the lines over Dodds Narrows.

Looks like an easy, fun job.

Back to the Chopper.

Patrol boat keeps traffic out of the Narrows until job is finished.

Another adventure finished.

Time to head back up the trail.

You can see Duke Point Ferry Terminal from this bridge.

Dogs just enjoy a refreshing swim.

At the "Crow and Gate".  Time for a Pint and some Pub food.


March 22, 2017

Women's Walking Group

Monday, March 20, 2017.    ---    Women's Walking Group.

Comments and photos courtesy Doreen Parker.

We took an unusual long walk that took us through many new trails and ended up at (what used to be) Serious Coffee for a cup of tea and then we headed out and walked more new trails and then ended up in Mill Bay for a quick coffee.  By then it was three in the afternoon.  Then we walked on back to Briarwood.  We don't always walk this long but it was such a beautiful day for wandering.
     We leave the Legion at 9:30 every Monday morning and do some local walks and Park walks which is usually around a couple of hours.  We never hurry so we cater to those that can't hike as this is the Ladies Walking Group not a hiking group, so please come out and join us.  You will be glad you did.
New cedar entrance to Gibson Park, nice aroma from cedar.

A bit of wild life.

Talk about aroma, Skunk cabbage are out.

A beautiful view across the water.

A beautiful sign of Spring.

Pussy Willow tree   ---   Spring is here!

This is a Sequoia tree that was planted by the lady in the white house.
This tree usually grows in the Redwood Forest, but really must like BC
weather.  Must be a fast growing tree.

A tree once lived in this box and the "elephant trunk" looking
thing is its root and there is a healthy growth of a new tree growing
from the old one.

March 20, 2017

Men's Walking Group

First day of Spring  --  Cool and clear  --  Perfect walking weather.  We are off to check out the Heron Rookery in Cowichan Bay.  Map and some of the many photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked by the Market at the junction of the Highway and Koksilah Rd (bottom left).  Did a big clockwise loop, stopping about halfway (top center) off Wessex Rd in Cowichan Bay to check out the Heron Rookery.  Lots of action as witnessed by the photos.  A very enjoyable morning.

A good turnout of walkers today.

Looking across the water from Cow Bay.

Up the hill to view the Herons.

All of those blobs in the trees are Heron nests.

No comments needed.

Seen in passing.

Old Fire Hall.

I think this coffee will be cold.

Back where we started.

Brooks' hot chocolate  --  very artsy.

A new piece of art at the Shawnigan Coffee House.