June 27, 2016

Women's Walking Group

From Doreen Parker.

Seven ladies walked the Cowichan River Estuary today.  Thanks to Claudia for doing the driving.
Welcome to the Cowichan Estuary.

Fruits forming - type unknown.

Strolling along the estuary.

What does Lenore see?

Elderberry bushes.

Is this a Heron?

It is amazing where some plants will take root and grow.


Queen Annes Lace.

Need Vera's help on many of these.

A nice view down the estuary.

Taking a respite at the viewing platform.

A reminder to hunters.


Puffballs - but what are they??

Come back in the fall and have a nice feed of corn.

Saskatoon berries taste good right now.

Men's Walking Group

The 6Km walk and climb down the west slope on Baldy Mountain ranks in the top 3 toughest treks for the Men's Walkers.  We had 12 in the group including 2 new members on the walk.  Near the summit we were swarmed by vicious black flies causing everyone to run, unfortunately in the scramble Harry fell on the rocks dislocating a finger.  After some first aid by Larry to snap the finger in place and tie it to other finger he carried on down the rock slope.  Thanks to John C, Harry & Brook for driving.  Next Monday will be a level walk around the Duncan dykes followed by lunch at the Craig Street Brew Pub and back to the Legion by 2:00PM. -- Brook


A little warm for climbing around on Mt Baldy today but we managed to keep to the shade for most of it.  The company and weather were both great.  Excellent exercise followed by coffee at Shawnigan Coffee House.  Too many pics to choose from. -- DeNNis

Parked the cars just off Strathcona Hts Rd (top right) -- elevation 260 meters --and up the steep road to the summit of Baldy Mtn.  -- elevation 440 meters -- a climb of 180 meters or 585 feet.
Then down the slippery slope to the Cellphone Tower at 360 meters and through the bush back to
the main trail.

Mother natures art? - or heart?

Lots of wildflowers - daisies -

-- Don't know - a little like broom -

-- Foxglove --

--  where is Vera when we need flower names?

  --  ditto!!  --

We know we are near the summit when we see these two Arbutus.

The views are perfect --  Shawnigan Lake.

A slightly different angle.

Sentries on duty on top of Old Baldy?

Looking East.

Tough climb down the Easter Seal Camp side.

Still a ways down to the Cell Tower.

Still more precarious slopes.

We made it down to the Cell Tower intact.

Some bushwhacking back to the main trail.

Foxgloves amongst the Alder.

June 20, 2016

Women's Walking Group

Nine ladies  did  a 5K walk at Burnt Bridge, the weather was perfect and we all had an enjoyable walk.   Thanks to Donna and Lynn for driving us there.
After the walk we had a snack at Shawnigan Tea House.
Next walk will be the Estuary.

Sign at Burnt Bridge.

Looking over the Koksilah River from the left side of
Burnt Bridge.

The other side of the bridge.

A gruesome monster keeping an eye on trespassers.

A little lupin.

A live hornets nest.


Berries --

-- and wildflowers.

More wildflowers.

These are Salmon berries - very tasty.

A well deserved rest stop.

Found a couple of chairs and Lenora made herself
comfortable by a weird old tree.

Almost ready to start out again, waiting for Lenora to dry
out her feet.

Just about ready.

Heading back to the bridge after a long enjoyable walk.