August 10, 2013

YSAGS Photography, August 10, 2013

Hello Fellow YSAGS photographers,

For our upcoming meeting I am asking that we bring our Kinsol Trestle pictures(looking up) to share with the group.
Mike and I talked to Lori Trelour at the museum last week and she would be interested in us sharing historical Shawnigan Lake pictures and also current pictures with the museum and the Shawnigan Focus. After further discussion with Lori, I have tentatively arranged for her to come to our photography meeting on Aug. 27 to further detail what she has in mind.
You probably are aware that on Aug. 12 and 13 there should be a great display of meteor showers. I practiced some night photography a few nights ago at 3:00am. It was beautiful, warm and the stars were sparkling. See attached picture.
Making the assumption that we will have clear skies next week, if you want to try it, here are some guidelines.
1) Use a tripod for your camera
2) If you have a remote control or a delay function, use that so you don't shake the camera.
3) Use Manual settings if your camera has that as follows: ISO about 400(this actually will vary a lot, depending how well your camera handles ISO. As low a fstop(wide open aperture) as your camera setting allows. A time exposure of about 30 seconds.
Each camera is different and results will vary so play around with the settings and check the result after each picture. Oh yes the meteor shower comes from the north east of the sky, so that's where to point the camera. Meteors are not predicable so you may end up with just stars, stars with a jet going by or satellites creating a nice long arc.
Attached is a night shot. All I have is stars although I did see 2 or 3 meteors(the camera of course was not on just then). I also saw a satellite go by but it wasn't very bright and does not show on the picture.
We will also have a short discussion about computer external hard drives and how they can be used as a back up device.
See you all Tuesday.
My attempt to get a meteor picture - just stars so far.

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