May 29, 2012

Womens Walking Group

Six walked the trails at Horseshoe Bend and stopped at
the campground to sit on the rocks and admire the river,
a beautiful, peaceful spot. We saw a large variety of
wildflowers.Many different ones than other years.Then
on to Lake Cowichan for lunch at the Shaker Mill
Restaurant where Dianne went with her dad as a child.
Next monday June 4th. weather permitting, we will
explore the beach at Cherry Point as the tide will be
out. Meet at the Legion at 9:30 am.       V.M.

Womens Walking Group

A nice spot by the Cowichan River

Monkey Flower grows in the rocks

This is one warty frog !

On the trail near the campground at Horseshoe Bend

Men's Walking Group

Near entrance to Stanley Park.
"Lady in wetsuit"
Along the Seawall
Below Lions Gate Bridge.
Seagull  -  People watching.
Siwash Rock
"Where are we now?
Family time.
Time to head back to Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal.

May 28, 2012

Men's walking group

Great all round Day in Stanly Park.
We got lots of walking. Lots of great scenery. lots of clouds, Little bit of Sun and a Tyne bit of rain(but we stayed dry under the big trees), Making the connections was a breeze. and the food in Ladysmith was good, Thanks Ken,and thanks Dennnis's for driving. ha
We didn't discuss next week but we can do Buttler road  and see if we can find that Monster that chased us last time, Tks C,U.

May 26, 2012

Men's walking group

Well Monday is our big adventure to Vancouver, its going to be great. Some of us are going to take a small lunch with us.and I would advise you all to as we may not be near a concession when we want to have our lunch, But then we may go by one on our walk where you could buy something and take with you, Anyway you decide what  to do.Okay?. See you at the Legion 7am sharp,

May 22, 2012

Womens Walking Group

Monday was a great walking day for the three die-hard
walkers who turned up on a misty morning.We just
crossed over the road to Gibsons Park to check out the
Lady's Slippers and Coralroot, then explored all the
other walking paths over to the water tower.In case you
are wondering, we decided not to climb all the steps to
the top of it, and we didn't really stack all that wood
either, but Rouhi's pedometer isn't known to
exaggerate and it said we did over 6km before heading
back to the Legion for some of Don's great coffee.
Thanks Don.
Thank you Joan, for this weeks pictures and news of
your walk.
Next monday May 28th we will walk some of the
Cowichan  River Trail, then into Cowichan Lake to
have our lunch at The Shaker Mill Restaurant.
Leaving the Legion at 9:30 am.     V.M.

Womens Walking Group

Pictures from the misty monday morning walk

May 21, 2012

Men's Walking Group

Interesting Fungi.
Same Fungi - bottom view.
This was the only wildlife we could capture on "film".                                 Believe it or not - we saw a black bear - however did not have the cameras ready and he wasn't about to wait for us.  This was behind the Legion down on the Bamberton Haul Rd.  The bear was quite close to the road in the bushes.  As soon as he spotted us he hightailed it into the trees.  A little further on we spotted a deer but he too was impatient.

Just Ed Wiebe and myself (Dennis with  2N's) walked about 7.5K.  Got somewhat wet but enjoyed it.

May 20, 2012

Computer/Photography Group

Hello Computer/Photography YSAGers,
We meet on May 22 at 10 am to talk about and learn new ways to operate our computers.
Some programs I've downloaded that might prove interesting to you are: 1) Slim Cleaner. It is like a streamlined CCleaner.
2) Tree Size Free. It will show you what all is on your C drive or whichever drive you want to check. This might help to see what might be worth deleting. 3) Duplicate Finder. A program that shows the many files that are or may be duplicates and taking up extra disk space.
These programs can all be found at CNet Download and are free. I haven't had a chance to really try these out and they may have a bit of a learning curve but they get good ratings from CNet.
This email is for the C/P group and so I need to include at least one picture.
Cheers, Ed

May 15, 2012

Womens Walking Group

The walkers did around 5 K at Burnt Bridge. Two walked
a bit further as they are preparing for the Shawnigan
Lake walk.It was a warm day for walking so we all
walked down to the river to cool off.A welcome coffee
at the Legion.Next monday the 21st is Victoria Day
and some are walking at Mill Park and towards the
ocean.Meeting at the Legion at 9:30 am.   V.M.

Womens Walking Group

Wildflowers around Burnt Bridge and other areas plus one Coralroot



May 14, 2012

Men's walking group

Great walk in the trees on a hot day, I think some of us felt like we did 25 k but actually we did about 10k according to 2n[Dennis S] And we didn't even get lost. ha Tks Ed. and Tks for driving Ken & Denis, Tks for the pictures Dennis,
Next week I will be away so no organized walk. but if u want walk there may be some one there at 8:30,
The next thing is our special walk of the year to Vancouver and Stanley Park on the 28th, we need to leave the Legion at 7 AM sharp, and should be back in the evening maybe around 8 pm, Any questions about our Vancouver trip call me 743 3107. Tks

Men's Walking Group

These fungi were growing on this tree only - none elsewhere in area.
Not exactly an escalator.
Kinsole Trestle - New picnic tables being constructed from original timbers.
"RETRO" Picnic.

Mother Nature can grow plants in solid rock.

May 8, 2012

Womens Walking Group

Eleven walkers went up Mt. Tzouhalem to see the
wildflowers and the great view.Once again the flowers
were exceptional.A large variety,vivid colours, and
many more than last year.Mother Natures gardens
could certainly compete with any we have planted.
Thanks to our three drivers.Next monday the 14th.
we will walk at Burnt Bridge.From now on we will
begin our walks at 9:30 am. See you at the Legion
half hour earlier.   V.M.

Womens Walking Group

Some of the wildflowers on Mt. Tzouhalem

Some of the walkers

May 7, 2012

Men's walking group

Great walk today in Kingburn Park but no one told me how far we walked I'LL say 25 KMS,Ha Ha  Maybe 6 k Okay? Thanks to the driver's . and thanks for listening to my Garage Sale talk. We are planning on going to Vancouver on the 28th May . This will be an all day adventure leaving the Legion at 7 am and getting back in the evening maybe 8pm, We can talk over the details in the next weeks. Next week we can walk behind Shawnigan Estates to the Kinsol Trestle.. okay,? Tks

Men's Walking Group

It was a great day for walking and a great place to do it at the end of Kingburn Roud.

Dogwood flower.

Mining for Gold!

Got caught! - Mining for Gold.

May 1, 2012

Men's Walking Group

Bright Angel - Big Trees (panoramic shot)

Near Bright Angel (panoramic)

Men's Walking Group

Bright Angel Park