June 10, 2016

Men's Walking Group

It was a great day for an 11Km walk around the lakes by 11 YASAG walkers followed by lunch at the Crooked Goose Bistro.  Thanks to Ken, Dennis S. & Denis L. for driving.  Next week plan is a walk from Frayne & Benko Road to see all the new development and trails around Mill Springs. --- Brook


Monday, June 6, 2016.

Better late than never - The Men's walk around Beaver and Elk Lake.  Another day of great walking weather.  --   DeNNis.

Parked the cars in Beaver Lake parking lot (near upper right - white print) and walked counter-clockwise around the two lakes.  Photos tell the rest.

Beaver Lake


A lovely crop of Skunk Cabbage.

The Rowing Club.

Too small to see in the photo but the fishing rod is attached to
the side of one of the boats.

The path alongside the highway beyond the Rowing Club.

Looking down from the north end of Elk Lake.

A goosey gathering.

The fishing dock.

A leaping Leopard Frog.

The weir at Beaver Lake.

An abundance of Buttercups(?)
Topped and left for the

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