May 14, 2018

Men's Walking Group

Warm, sunny day.  Perfect for a trip out to Bright Angel Park for a pleasant walk.  A little further up the road was the old Fairbridge Farm School where we checked the signage for a little history.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis

Ignore the straight yellow line. The dotted lines from where we parked the cars show our walking route.. We did a large counter clockwise loop from the parking lot to where we used to see a strange old house which is now obscured by trees, then back to the cars, up Koksilah Rd to what used to be Fairbridge Farm School where wartime orphan children were sent from England.  Then we stopped at the Koksilah intersection farm market for coffee, and ice cream cones for some, before heading back home. 

Picnic site at Bright Angel Park.

The suspension bridge across Koksilah River.

Didn't see this guy.

This was the daddy or mommy frog.

One of the youngsters.

The root structure of these trees is quite unique. 

Looking downstream frombelow the bridge.

Various types of wildflowers.

Heading up to the E&N Rail tracks.

To a spot above the bridge.

Lots of dandelions are finished.

Dogwood still in bloom.

Back across the bridge.

--with warm sentiments.

Someone at work here --

Had to stop to converse with the horses.


Bleeding Heart.

Another of these little guys.
More flowers.

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