October 13, 2012

Computer/Photography grp

Hello All,
The October 16 meeting is a computer session. With that in mind I have attached a newsletter from Ask Leo called, "Why I bought my wife a Mac". Ignoring the condescending tone of that title, it makes for some interesting reading. The full article is found here: http://ask-leo.com/C5885 .
I would like to spend some time at this meeting to discuss how you feel about the content and structure of our meetings. Do we need to make them more formal with a written agenda? What topics are you interested in?
I will raise some more questions at the meeting and I hope you will all also express your ideas.
For the photographers in the group, I see that on Oct. 23, YSAG has planned a trip to the Royal Museum IMAX theatre. Do we want to consider that our field trip?
See you all Tuesday.
PS: Did this fellow escape from Kansas?
Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz?

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