August 26, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Our Photo Journalist and GPS Tracker is away on vacation, so we do not have a visual of todays walk.  We parked near the Mill Bay Tim Hortons and 10 of us treked 10Km over Stone Bridge, up Wilkenson Road, past Bonner School and down Chuch Road past the Sweet Meadows Market.  Stopped in at the Market and some had to buy Cones after tasting samples of their ice cream.  This is an interesting walk as we cross 4 different bridges over Shawnigan Creek.  Last stop was at Time Hortons for Coffee.  -- Brook

August 19, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Nine of us got together today for a walk through Manley Park and along the beach below Satellite Park Road.  We covered about 7 Km plus a little extra before we had lunch at the refurbished Cobblestone Pub.  Map and photos below.  --  DeNNis.

Parked the cars at the entrance to Manley Park below Arbutus Ridge.  Down through the park with a stop for viewing from the lookout platform, then down Grandview Way to Aros Rd . Lefran Rd and Clearwater Rd to the beach as far as Satellite Point Rd and back to the cars.

We start at Manley Creek Park.

One of Natures Planters.

Some fairly steep trails at this end.

The fuel barge wharf for the tank farm.

The lookout area above the beach.

The Granfield Way path has been widened
and improved.

An old Arbutus that will eventually land across Aros Rd.

Checking the Rotary Club  library box at the top of
Satellite Point Road.

Seen in passing - a 1953 Ford.

Dairy farm on Clearwater Road.

Back around the 1940's these Douglas Fir trees were planted in  neat rows.
Some body thought there would be a market for them.

The stairway down to the beach at the end of  Clearwater Rd.

Heading up the beach.

Looking back towards Samsom Narrows.

Another "Natures Planter".

Some bank reinforcement cutting off a stairway to the beach.

We think this is a "Nunnery" on Saltspring Island.  The camera zoom just won't do it justice.

The stairway from the beach up to Satellite Point Road.

Had to add this
sailboat shot.

The reservoir in Manley Park is full - but the water exit is closed.

While waiting for the Cobblestone Pub to open for lunch, we
had to walk up and take some apples for the horses at
Alpine Riding Stables.

And say "Hello" to the Llama.

Time for some lunch and a beverage -- we were joined by Bill Cairnes --

--  Denis Lainchbury and Bob Bennett.


August 12, 2019

Men's Walking Group

Ten of us braved the Bob-O-Link Trail today.  It made for an interesting walk of about 6 Km.  Lots of photos and a map below.  --  DeNNis.

We started at the Legion (top right).  Across the road, up through Cairn Park to Wilmot Ave.  Then a large clockwise loop, stopping for coffee at Shawnigan Coffee House (top near left)  and across the road back up to Wilmot Ave for some more uphill exercise and down through Cairn Park back to the Legion.

The younger ones played on the new kids equipment--

While the older guys just checked it out.

A bit of a climb up through Cairn Park.

A nice new sign on Wilmot Ave.

A few Blackberries to feast on.

Lots of painted rocks along Bob-O-Link Trail.

No shortage of water at this house.

Past the Tree House.

Some fairly rough trail areas.

Mother Nature was having fun with this rotten stump.

Notice how these trees leaned over to
accommodate the walkers??

More art work along the trail.

Cowichan Cricket Club.

The opposite side of the house with plenty of water.

Time to make tracks.

-Anybody need a tow??

CVRD Wharf.

A fisherman oblivious to the commotion above.

A lone water skier on the lake.