June 30, 2011

Womens Walking

A bit damp today. Nine of us walked different trails around Mill Park.A new
walker has joined us. Welcome to the ladies walking group Layne.We went
back to the Legion for our lunch,coffee, and much discussion on world affairs,
health issues, and Tim Hortons sandwiches. July 4th monday we will do the
Mill Bay ocean walk to the ferry. Bring a lunch if you wish.We will wait till
most of the walkers are back to have our "Lunch Out" Some will drive
directly to the parking area on Mill Bay road.I will be at the Legion at 9:30 am.
if anyone needs a ride.   V.M.

Womens Walking

The ferns at Mill Park are this big.

Just one more ride before we go.

Layne tries out her "Fern Umbrella"

June 29, 2011

Men's walking group

Hi Here's a couple more pictures of our annual bike ride, that was a great ride I estimate we did about 32 kms, and I've got the sore butt to prove it. Ha
Next week we will wind up our organized walks until Sept 12th, If during the summer u want to walk with some one , there may be some one at the Legion around 8:30 am , If I'm not away I'll be there.So next week we will walk around Langford Lake and have lunch at Maw Millers getting home by 2pm . Tks
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June 28, 2011

YSAG Men's Walking

Thanks Denis for organizing a great bicycle trip for the Men' Walking group.
 Thanks also to Dennis and Bill for driving us with our bikes to the North end of the Kinsol Trestle.
 To see photos of this outing click here: https://picasaweb.google.com/ysagssl/20110627YSAGMenSWalkBikeTripKinsolTrestle
 Here are some samples:

June 24, 2011

Men's walking group

Hi Gang
I thought I better mention that next Monday the 27th is our annual bicycle ride, so get them out, oil them up and get them ready to go. As the Kinsol is not open we will truck them to the north end and ride from there. Don't forget to bring your lunch, We should be back by 3 or 4, Bill and Dennis said they could use their trucks Tks, We will leave the Legion at 8:30. Tks

June 23, 2011

Womens Walking

Monday was a walk around Spectacle Lake.We met a fisherman leaving the
lake as he was not successful after trying for three hours.We saw many wild-
flowers,some groundcones and fungus.We then went on to the Aerie Resort
but were unable to get up to the buildings.A couple of us dared to go by the
"Private Property" and "Keep Out"signs.What we were able to see of the
grounds and views was quite spectacular.We munched on lunch near the
entrance.Next monday the 27th.we will meet at the legion at 9:30 am. and
do a local Shawnigan Lake walk.  V.M.

Womens Walking

There were many Columbines at Spectacle Lake

Dining at the "Aerie"

A very large flowering tree at the Aerie Resort

June 19, 2011


Hello All,
Thank You Ray and Denis for a great bus trip last Tuesday to see the raptors, eat out at Genoa Bay and giving us a chance to get rich at the casono.
If you click on this link you will see some pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/ysagssl/20110614YSAGBusTripToRaptors
I will also try to post some here.

June 18, 2011

men's walking group

These are the pictures I promised 5 days ago, ha had finger problems,
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June 14, 2011

Womens Walking

We walked the estuary then went on to the other side of the bridge over the
Cowichan River,exploring different trails along the way.We came upon an
interesting field where jousting tournaments take place as they did in
medieval times.There were various structures and what appeared to be a
viewing platform where the gentry might be seated.We also saw a bird house
with a red carpet entry.(ribbon)We ate lunch by the river where the beach
was covered in wildflowers.This year there are many trees covered in
caterpillars.It is amazing how they can strip all the leaves from a tree.
We did 9 K and were quite ready for the ride home. Next week monday
the 21st.we will drive to Spectacle Lake and then on to the Aerie(resort)
to do some walking there also.Bring a lunch and meet at the Legion at
9:30 am.   V.M.

Womens Walking

Claudia calls a warning."Lookout flock of geese overhead " !!

Mega Hoola-Hoop ?

Caterpillars are everywhere this year !! Ugh !!

June 13, 2011


Here's a couple of pictures from our hike to the big trees and a great hike it was the Gods were with us for good weather it was my first time down to the river.When I got home I found out I will be able to be there next week so Larry you can pick the hike ,Ha Got u on this one Tks C, U, All next wk

June 8, 2011

Men's Walking Group

Here is another post about our Monday walk.
Go to this web album for pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/ysagssl/20110606YSAGMenSWalk#
And  here are some of the things we saw :

Womens Walking

A great walk around Thetis Lake.Warm and sunny but cooler on the trails,
which was best for walking.The lake is beautiful with people and many,
many dogs enjoying a swim. (not in the same areas)We noticed a Pitbull
wearing a flotation device playing with his ball in the lake.(unusual)
There were many wildflowers and we are fortunate to have walkers who
can name most of them.Next monday the 13th.we will walk at Blackly
Farm which is part of the estuary,then cross over to the other side of the
bridge and walk that trail also.Meeting at the Legion at 9:30 am.   V.M.

Womens Walking

Broad-Leaved Stonecrop at Thetis Lake

A wildflower,type of Larkspur ?

Joan teaches Lenora the correct way to hug a tree.

June 7, 2011

Men's walking group

Well that was a good walk up to 600 m elevation wow!! good views of Shawnigan, and it s good we are fast walkers so that monster couldn't catch us, ha . Thanks for driving Ed & Denis, Looks like we may have good weather this coming Monday so maybe we should try the big tree's Hopefully Darick will be back.by then okay? Tks C.U.

June 2, 2011

Men's Walking Group


 I finally posted pictures from our Saltspring walk into our Web Album.

Check them out here: https://picasaweb.google.com/ysagssl/20110530YSAGMenSWalkSaltSpringIsland#
Here are a few samples.

We are going strong!
A Saltspring Island deer.
An eagle flew by.

Womens Walking

Ten walked through the trails at Mill Bay Nature Park.A nice local park
with bridges,a lookout, and an unnamed spawning creek for trout and
salmon.The park has 7.3 acres and many trails although they are fairly
short.We also explored the beach as it was quite a low tide.
Next monday June 6th we will drive to Thetis Lake for our walk and
have lunch at the Six Mile Pub.There is a time change for our summer
walks.We will meet at the Legion at 9:30 am for our monday walk.
See you there............ V.M.

Womens Walking

Light filters through fungus at Mill Bay Nature Park.

A small island appears at low tide.

An abandoned stairway found in the trees off the beach.