October 23, 2010

Computer/Photography Group

Hello All YSAGS members

This is a reminder that instead of meeting next Tuesday at the Legion for our Photography session we will participate in the bus trip to the Legislature in Victoria.

We can consider this a field trip, bring our cameras and take lots of pictures. We will of course remember to put into practise all the things about photography such as ISO, aperture and shutter settings. Remember to compose your photos for best effect. In other words, plan the image before the trigger is pressed, but also experiment to note the differences that can be achieved by using different settings.

So, our next session at the Legion will be November 2 and the focus will be on computers. It is time to again go over the procedure to upload to our Website from Picasa or our computers.

I will discuss some sites that you might be interested in.

1) If you are a reader, you can download Kindle for a PC from Amazon.com. Barnes and Noble also has an ereader called 'Nook' but I beleive you need their special reader to use it.

2) If you are into puzzles such as Crossword or Zudoko you might enjoy one that is called Griddler. I'll show where you can find it on the internet.

3) Of course if you have specific questions we will try to collectively come up with an answer. (The correct answer, hopefully).

Ed W.

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