May 3, 2014

Computer/Photography group

Hello All,
Here is a short note about our meeting on May 6, 2014 at 10:30 am.
We will talk about computer concerns, specifically Windows XP OS and the latest concerns about it’s vulnerability to hackers and malware. The latest attack to IE has been fixed and Microsoft states they are including a patch to fix the problem including XP. This is an exception to what they have said earlier. The advise given by the “experts” is to dump Windows Security Essentials and go to some other antivirus program like AVAST. There are many other choices.
Bring your concerns and computer problems to the group and maybe we can help you.
Last week we had a slim turnout for our Photography field trip to St. Peters Qualicum church to take advantage of all the wildflowers around this church and in the cemetery. We still had a great outing and great opportunities to get good close ups of  flowers. The coffee and Brioches at the Drumroaster were great.

We also had more then just flowers to photograph, see below.
Don't know what it is, but very pretty close up.

There were lots of Blue Bells.

And of course many Easter Lillies.

There were many Chocolate Lillies. A challenge to photograph.
This fellow flew over us carrying his lunch. I think it may be a black squirrel.

The old gnarly tree provides a great perch.
There are about 4 or 5 feet showing.

Is this a grve for a little squirrel?

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